
Socialsciencespace welcomes new partner organizations

March 11, 2011 1012

We are happy to welcome a number of new organizations to socialsciencespace as partners – including the International Society for Study of Behavioral Development, the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme and the Global Philanthropy Alliance. More information is available on the Partners page.

We want to sign up more new partners! If your organization has an interest in social science and you would like to join the debate, please get in touch.

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Mary G. West

I too am a regular reader and visitor to sage and interested in joining the Socialsciencespace. Please bring me up to speed on my password. I’d like to read & post. Thank you/mgw


Hi Mary, if you email catriona.moore[at] she will contact you regarding becoming a contributor. Thanks!

Judith Strasser

This is great – include me.

urmi shelley

Dear Sage
I am a regular reader and a visitor to sage and
I am very much interested in joining the Socialsciencespace. I am unable to use my old pass word to login the space .kindly help me in creating the new account.
thank you
warm regard


Hi Urmi,
We will send you an email to confirm your registration information shortly.
Best wishes,

Euro PhD on S.R. & C

As Director of the European PhD on Social Representations and Communication Research Centre and Multimedia Lab ( and of the So.Re.Com. Thematic Network of excellence (, I found very interesting the initiative to promote a debate on social sciences and its impact in contemporary society on global scale. I will contribute to actively promote its dissemination among our European PhD research trainees and partners from all the European countries and many academic Institutions over the world by announcing it via the SoReCom@-NEWS (

Keshav Raj ghimire

I am very much interested to join this forum for sharing social sciences activities and to share articles.