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Michael Burawoy, 1947-2025: Patron Saint of Public Sociology

Michael Burawoy, 1947-2025: Patron Saint of Public Sociology

Michael Burawoy, whose embrace of public sociology and the public at work lead him to describe his influential academic niche as “industrial […]

How Research Credibility Suffers in a Quantified Society

How Research Credibility Suffers in a Quantified Society

To address research credibility issues, we must reform the role of metrics, rankings, and incentives in universities.

Young Scholars Can’t Take the Field in Game of  Academic Metrics

Young Scholars Can’t Take the Field in Game of Academic Metrics

Drawing on discussions with academics who have oriented their work around public engagement and social impact, Daniel Pearson suggests these academics present an opportunity to rethink the existing structures of reward and recognition in higher education.



Crystal Abidin on Influencers

Crystal Abidin on Influencers

A new people has emerged in the digital age, that of ‘internet famous’ celebrities. And that new people has a class of […]

The Mystery of Xenotransplantation for Social Sciences

The Mystery of Xenotransplantation for Social Sciences

Xenotransplantation is a fascinating subject – for obvious reasons, as it involves transplanting organs or other body parts across species boundaries (in […]

AI is Here, But Is It Here to Help Us or Replace Us?

AI is Here, But Is It Here to Help Us or Replace Us?

Decisions taken now around how generative AI is used by academics and universities will shape the future of research. Mark Carrigan argues whilst optimistic scenarios are possible, generative AI stands ready to feed into an existing productivity oriented framing of academic work.


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