Archives for 2011

Being professional about ‘impact’
May 10, 2011

Being professional about ‘impact’

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Quirk Theory – Why Outsiders Thrive After High School
May 10, 2011

Quirk Theory – Why Outsiders Thrive After High School

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Weekly overview of social science news
May 9, 2011

Weekly overview of social science news

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John Urry and Chris Rojek: “British Sociology since 1945″
May 9, 2011

John Urry and Chris Rojek: “British Sociology since 1945″

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Word of Mouth & New Service Adoption

Word of Mouth & New Service Adoption

“Can we Talk: The Impact of Willingness to Recommend on New-to-Market Service Brand Extension Within a Social Network” was recently published by […]

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The mental roots of racial prejudice

The mental roots of racial prejudice

Italian researchers find social conservatives tend to attribute more negative qualities to members of a minority group regardless of race, religion or […]

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The Development of Measures for Use in Survey Questionnaires

The Development of Measures for Use in Survey Questionnaires

“A Brief Tutorial on the Development of Measures for Use in Survey Questionnaires”, by Timothy R. Hinkin, Cornell University, currently appears as one of […]

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Has the internet enabled a new type of sex offender?

Has the internet enabled a new type of sex offender?

The nature of internet-based sex offenses is examined in a recent study by Peter Briggs, Walter T. Simon and Stacey Simonsen, published […]

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Engagement, Leadership, & Personality

Engagement, Leadership, & Personality

Andrew J. Wefald, Kansas State University, Rebecca J. Reichard and Shawn A. Serrano, both of Claremont Graduate University, recently published “Fitting Engagement […]

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New partner organizations join socialsciencespace

New partner organizations join socialsciencespace

The number of organizations joining socialsciencespace as partners continues to grow. We are pleased to welcome the British Society of Criminology, the […]

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Can a single case be used to test theory?

Can a single case be used to test theory?

This post is by Richard Nielsen on the Social Science Statistics Blog, hosted by the Institute for Quantitative Science at Harvard University. Every so often, […]

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Is it something I said? Sense of humor and partner embarrassment

Is it something I said? Sense of humor and partner embarrassment

The potentially harmful effects of humor in romantic relationships is explored in a recent study published in the Journal of Social and Personal […]

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