Archives for September, 2012

How Much Autonomy Do You Have as a Post-Doc
September 30, 2012

How Much Autonomy Do You Have as a Post-Doc

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Book Review: Sociology of the Financial Crisis
September 30, 2012

Book Review: Sociology of the Financial Crisis

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Want to Build Better Customer Relationships?
Business and Management INK
September 29, 2012

Want to Build Better Customer Relationships?

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Implementing Finch
September 28, 2012

Implementing Finch

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Gangster Anthropologist

Gangster Anthropologist

Jorja Leap immersed herself in the culture of Los Angeles’ notorious street gangs for over 10 years, interviewing and working with hundreds of active and former gang members.

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Social science sites of the week

Social science sites of the week

This week the LibDem conference. See our blog on useful news sites and social media resources. Including the Nick Clegg video! Also […]

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How Did 9/11, Financial Crisis Affect Hotel Performance?

How Did 9/11, Financial Crisis Affect Hotel Performance?

Editor’s note: We are pleased to welcome Dr. Renáta Kosová and Dr. Cathy A. Enz, both of Cornell University, who published “The […]

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Are 401(k) Plans a Failure?

Are 401(k) Plans a Failure?

The Wall Street Journal observed this week that as baby boomers face an unemployment crisis, a growing number of younger workers are […]

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Weekly Overview of Social Science News

Weekly Overview of Social Science News

Social science: Poked to vote NSF grant supports innovative Big Data Social Science training Penn State Live ‘Humanities need support’ Times […]

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Tough on Crime or Beating the System?

Tough on Crime or Beating the System?

An evaluation of Missouri Department of Mental Health’s Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity Murder Acquittees.

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Don’t Take This the Wrong Way, But…

Don’t Take This the Wrong Way, But…

It’s inevitable: social hierarchy is a defining feature of organizations, and individuals use subtle communication behaviors to assert themselves and advance within […]

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American Health Care, Transformed

American Health Care, Transformed

In the latest issue of Administrative Science Quarterly, W. Chad Carlos of Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management reviewed “Social Movements […]

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