5 Traits of an Effective Executive
What personal qualities are likely to define a successful effective? In a new article published in Compensation & Benefits Review, former Pfizer worldwide head of human resources Bruce R. Ellig explores five key qualities in detail, along with problem areas that negatively impact performance. Here, he describes current challenges facing execs in “The Need to Succeed”:
Executives are subjected to more scrutiny now than in years past due to several well-publicized accounting scandals and the lack of a solid linkage between CEO pay and stock performance. There is also a conviction that the job of the executive today is tougher than it has ever been. Government intervention, shareholder dialogue and the visibility of executive compensation are all becoming more important. Executives realize they must continually prioritize the events affecting them—taking only as much time to analyze the data as is cost-effective, given the problems confronting them. Furthermore, they must be prepared to modify each decision, or alter its impact, as events and additional data make the earlier action inappropriate. Many must continually fight with themselves not to overindulge in an area of their own interest and expertise at the expense of less attractive but more significant issues.
Read the article, “Attracting, Motivating and Retaining Executives: Lessons From Years as an HR Executive,” forthcoming in Compensation & Benefits Review and now available in the journal’s OnlineFirst section.
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