Less Talk, More Action: Teaching Management to Millennials
With its August 2013 issue, the Journal of Management Education is proud to celebrate the introduction of the review article to the field of management education. (Read more in the editorial by Michael Cohen and Jon Billsberry here.) Thomas A. Conklin of Georgia State University published “Making It Personal: The Importance of Student Experience in Creating Autonomy- Supportive Classrooms for Millennial Learners,” concluding that management educators can make headway with millennial students by jumping into the learning experience with them, rather than talking at them:
It is not uncommon to hear of managers’ perceived irrelevance of their management studies to their postcommencement work experience. Given these concerns, this review is a call to educators to bridge what transpires in the classroom at both undergraduate and graduate levels with the professional work world students will soon inhabit. A. Y. Kolb and Kolb called for educators to enhance the presence and process of experiential education as a medium through which students’ learning styles could be addressed. Their call was for a broader and deeper appreciation of learning that considers the learners, thus making it more salient and meaningful for their development. This is particularly relevant for Millennial students and their learning styles. As a response, this article reviews andragogy as a philosophical foundation to help understand the classroom environment’s contribution to greater student learning and engagement through the use of experience-based learning.
Continue reading the paper here, and browse additional review articles, instructional innovations, and more in the current issue of JME. Are you interested in submitting a paper to the journal? Click here for more information.
Excellent article – thank you.