Introducing Grace Conyers
We are thrilled to introduce to you a new blogger to the Social Science Space blogging team, Grace Conyers. We found Grace after she had written a piece about the political science budget of the National Science Foundation, and tracked her down to see if we could use the piece on SSSpace. She responded not only by saying yes, but also by asking to be a blogger herself. We look forward to hearing what else she has to say about the social sciences.
We asked Grace to introduce herself briefly. Here’s what she had to say:
My name is Grace Conyers. I am the CEO of Insanitek Research and Development, a freelance science writer, an educator, and a geoarchaeologist. I spend a good deal of time in the lab or on business meetings observing the world around me and writing down what I see, then sharing it with others as honestly as I can. In my spare time I can be found practising martial arts, marksmanship or gardening. I’m also addicted to tea and reading fiction.
I fell in love with the idea of Social Science Space (SSSpace) because I used to be an active member of Pugwash when I was at Purdue. I love keeping social aspects in view of all areas of science, no matter if it’s dealing directly with society or not. Here at SSSpace I plan to write about a great many things from the world of teaching to the world of industry and just about everything in between — and all in relation to social sciences.
If you want to know more about me, my company, or read more of my other works, feel free to visit my blog. It will link you to it all.