What Is the Future of Work?
Social media, new technologies, millennials and mobility: where will it lead us and how can we prepare? We’re pleased to bring you this call for papers from the editors of World Future Review:
Now in its fifth year of publication, World Future Review is a refereed journal that seeks to expand communication among the researchers and practitioners now exploring trends and alternatives for society. We welcome articles that: 1) assess techniques for studying future options; 2) fairly evaluate probable, possible, and optimal outcomes of existing policies and practices in every field; and 3) facilitate the exchange of futures-relevant information among cultures. Our aim is to help all peoples develop sustainable lifestyles and technologies that respect the carrying capacity of Earth’s environment, while promoting new research into areas beyond today’s known limits.
The editors of World Future Review invite manuscripts from contributors worldwide whose essays fall within the broad spectrum defined as “futures research.” This encompasses both an evolving philosophy and a range of specific techniques primarily aimed at assisting decision-makers to better understand the potential consequences of present and future decisions by developing images of alternative futures.
We are especially seeking the following types of material:
1. Methodological and conceptual papers regarding futures study techniques;
2. Papers based on research, analysis, and modeling of presumed causes and potential developments affecting current social, economic or political conditions;
3. Papers evaluating the actual outcomes achieved by government and corporate planning efforts and/or assessing the common practices of professional futurists;
4. Papers about futures research practitioners (whether individual, corporate, or governmental) and their contributions to the art and science of futures research.
5. Scholarly reviews that compare past efforts at forecasting and/or depictions of future societies in fiction or popular media, with actual events and current trends.
Click here for submission instructions and further details from the editors.