Mental Health and Work: Leadership and Well-Being, Part 3 of 3
As we wrap up our series on mental health and work today, we turn to the effects of leadership and well-being.
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work states: “Leadership is one of the key determinants of employee well-being, and is fundamental to promoting and sustaining a safe and healthy workplace.”
And yet surveys show that a relatively high percentage of employees are increasingly dissatisfied and disengaged and that they desire to leave their jobs. Does employee well-being actually matter to leaders? What are the effects of this style of leadership on individuals, organizations, society? Does it hurt the bottom line? We’re pleased to present the following articles to enrich the discussion. Click on the titles below to read the articles, free through June.
- Positive Leadership and Employee Well-Being (published in Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies)
- The Moderating Role of Authoritarian Leadership on the Relationship between the Internalization of Emotional Regulation and the Well-Being of Employees (published in Leadership)
- Servant Leadership: A Review and Synthesis (published in Journal of Management)
- Race, Management Citizenship Behavior, and Employees’ Commitment and Well-Being (published in American Behavioral Scientist)
- When Do Health and Well-Being Interventions Work? Managerial Commitment and Context (published in Economic and Industrial Democracy)
- Defined by Our Hierarchy? How Hierarchical Positions Shape Our Identifications and Well-Being at Work (published in Human Relations)
Read the rest of this week’s “Mental Health and Work” series:
Employee Engagement, Part 1 of 3