Canada’s Impact Award Winners to be Announced Monday

The 2013 Impact winners, from left: Michael Geist, George Nicholas, Marguerite MacKenzie, Barry Smit, Hadley Friedland, and then-SSHRC Director Chad Gaffield.
The finalists will be announced Monday, November 3, in Ottawa.
Chosen from nominations received from eligible postsecondary institutions across Canada, the Impact Awards finalists are described by the SSHRC as representing the very best in ideas and research about people, behavior, human thought, and culture. These researchers help us to understand and improve the world around us, today and into the future.
A shortlist of the top three finalists was announced earlier this year. The award categories and those on the shortlists appear here:
The Talent Award recognizes outstanding achievement by a current SSHRC doctoral or postdoctoral scholarship or fellowship holder.
- Heather A. Bliss, University of Victoria
- Kirk G. Luther, Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Amy B. Scott, University of Manitoba
The Insight Award recognizes outstanding achievement arising from a research project funded partially or completely by SSHRC. It is given to an individual or team whose project has resulted in significant contribution to knowledge and understanding about people, societies and the world.
- Alain-G. Gagnon, Université du Québec à Montréal
- Beverly J. Lemire, University of Alberta
- Thomas Lemieux, The University of British Columbia
The Connection Award recognizes an outstanding SSHRC-funded initiative to facilitate the flow and exchange of research knowledge within and/or beyond the academic community. It is given to an individual or team whose project has engaged the campus and/or wider community, and has generated intellectual, cultural, social and/or economic impacts.
- Elizabeth W. Dunn, The University of British Columbia
- Maureen G. Reed, University of Saskatchewan
- Nico Trocmé, McGill University
The Partnership Award recognizes a SSHRC-funded formal partnership for its outstanding achievement in advancing research, research training or knowledge mobilization, or developing a new partnership approach to research and/or related activities. It is awarded to a partnership that, through mutual co-operation and shared intellectual leadership and resources, has demonstrated impact and influence within and/or beyond the social sciences and humanities research community.
- Wendy Craig, Queen’s University
- Susan L. McGrath, York University
- Gordon R. McOuat, University of King’s College
Lastly, the Gold Medal for achievement in research is SSHRC’s highest research honor, and features its latrgest prize of $100,000. It is awarded to individuals whose sustained leadership, dedication and originality of thought have inspired students and colleagues alike. Last year’s honoree was University of Guelph geography professor Barry Smit, a pioneer and world leader in research on the human impacts of climate change.