Archives for 2014

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Business and Management INK
February 3, 2014

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Should the Safety Net Fly on Autopilot?
Public Policy
January 31, 2014

Should the Safety Net Fly on Autopilot?

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A Modest Proposal to Improve Value for Money at Universities
Higher Education Reform
January 31, 2014

A Modest Proposal to Improve Value for Money at Universities

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Exploring Mixed Methods in Organizational Sciences
Business and Management INK
January 31, 2014

Exploring Mixed Methods in Organizational Sciences

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Look in the Mirror to Find Social Science’s Champion

Look in the Mirror to Find Social Science’s Champion

Addressing the value of social science, Skip Lupia argues it’s absolutely fair for Congress to hold the disciplines’ feet to the fire, and absolutely necessary for researchers themselves to come to their own defense.

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‘Value for Money’ Is Not the Same as Quality in Higher Ed

‘Value for Money’ Is Not the Same as Quality in Higher Ed

In the past 15 years and across successive governments in the United Kingdom, the concept of value for money has been internalized throughout higher education. Here, the author of “Consuming Higher Education: Why Learning Can’t Be Bought” outlines why it is a problem to use student choice and value for money as a means of holding universities to account.

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Video: Gauging the Size of the Safety Net’s Holes

Video: Gauging the Size of the Safety Net’s Holes

During the Great Recession government programs were supposed to shelter the worst-hit Americans from the worst of the crisis. Did they, and what’s been the fallout since? Join us for a live broadcast answering those questions.

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Strengthening Manager-Employee Relationships in Face of Dysfunctional Customers

Strengthening Manager-Employee Relationships in Face of Dysfunctional Customers

Being told that “the customer is always right” can be maddening for an employee dealing with dysfunctional customers. Relationships between managers and […]

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Senator Elizabeth Warren Among New Fellows of AAPSS

Senator Elizabeth Warren Among New Fellows of AAPSS

A new U.S. senator, the founder of Institute for Women’s Policy Research and the director of the Center for the Study of American Politics are among seven distinguished scholars named 2014 fellows of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

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Are Nature-based Tourist Destinations in the Asia-Pacific Region At Risk?

Are Nature-based Tourist Destinations in the Asia-Pacific Region At Risk?

An interest in nature and nature-based tourism has been steadily increasing in the Asia-Pacific region. But could this growing enthusiasm result in […]

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Federal Budget Backs Off Some Ties That Bind

Federal Budget Backs Off Some Ties That Bind

The benefits for social science of the just passed U.S. government budget is less what it adds and more what it doesn’t subtract.

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Exploring the Effects of Attachment in Work Relationships

Exploring the Effects of Attachment in Work Relationships

In the 21st century, studies on human relationships in the workplace have become a regular occurrence. In the article “Attachment and Autonomy […]

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