Watch for These Awards from Organization and Environment in 2015!
Organization and Environment is excited to announce that it will be presenting two awards for outstanding articles at the 2015 Academy of Management Annual Meeting!
Organization and Environment is recognized as a leading international journal unique in its emphasis on the connection between the management of organizations and the multiple dimensions of the general environment. It publishes quarterly peer-reviewed research that sets new and relevant standards for rigorous thinking about the complex and relevant dimensions of sustainability – including an appropriate balance between and among social, natural and economic challenges-, corporate social responsibility, ethics, and responsible corporate governance and business strategy.
The Schneider-Electric Sustainability and Business Strategy Chair Award at IESE Business School will recognize the most outstanding article of the year in terms of relevance to management practice published in Organization and Environment in 2014. This award is intended to encourage papers relevant to the praxis of environmental management by clearly addressing research questions pertinent to the translation of theory to executives and managers. In addition this criterion, the paper should exhibit soundness of the conceptual development, originality and new contribution(s), and appropriate methodology well applied. The winner will receive an award plaque and a 250 Euros cash award from the Chair. In addition, the winning author/s will be invited to be part of the selecting committee for the subsequent edition of the award.
Authors of eligible papers should identify their papers for consideration of this award by sending an email to no later than May 15th.
Last year’s winner of the Schneider-Electric Sustainability and Business Strategy Chair Award was Elisabeth Albertini of Sorbonne Business School for her article “Does Environmental Management Improve Financial Performance? A Meta-Analytical Review.”
For more information about this award, click here.
The 2015 Organization and Environment Best Paper Award is the second of the Annual Organization and Environment Best Paper Awards. The prize is awarded to an outstanding paper published in Organization and Environment in the preceding three calendar years (2012, 2013, and 2014). The decision will be based on the academic impact of the paper and it would specially consider both the number and the significance of the citations received by the paper. The recipient(s) of the award receives a certification and a prize of US$250 (to be split amongst the authors of a co-authored paper).
Paper nominations have to be emailed to the Organization and Environment Co-Editors in Chair by the first author of the paper before April 15th, 2015. The nomination should include the complete reference of the paper and a brief supporting statement (maximum one page), and nominator information.
Last year’s winner of this award was Andrew Hoffman of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor for his paper “Talking past each other? Cultural framing of skeptical and convinced logics in the climate change debate.”
For more information about this award click here. .
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