Archives for August, 2015

What Really Determines an Individual’s Intent for Entrepreneurship?
Business and Management INK
August 12, 2015

What Really Determines an Individual’s Intent for Entrepreneurship?

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Even an Imperfect Metrics Regime Has Value
Public Policy
August 12, 2015

Even an Imperfect Metrics Regime Has Value

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A Modicum of Common Sense Helps Interpret Open Access Publishing
Open Access
August 11, 2015

A Modicum of Common Sense Helps Interpret Open Access Publishing

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Big Questions Require Teams That Step Across Lines
August 10, 2015

Big Questions Require Teams That Step Across Lines

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Congratulations to Academy of Management Award Winner, Larry Williams!

Congratulations to Academy of Management Award Winner, Larry Williams!

We’re pleased to congratulate Dr. Larry Williams of the University of of North Dakota! Dr. Williams was recently awarded the Distinguished Educator […]

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SAGE @ AOM 2015!

SAGE @ AOM 2015!

The Academy of Management 2015 Annual Meeting is officially underway in Vancouver, Canada! This year’s theme is “Opening Governance,” inviting us to […]

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Who Should Decide Cuts for UK’s Research Councils?

Who Should Decide Cuts for UK’s Research Councils?

Objective outsiders focused on the purse or knowledgeable insiders focused on the scholarship — who should decide the best way to derive the productivity and innovations sought from Britain’s Research Councils?

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Giving Euroscepticism an Honest Hearing

Giving Euroscepticism an Honest Hearing

A remarkably prescient special issue of the journal ‘International Political Science Review’ examines Euroscepticism’s migration ‘from the margins to the mainstream.’ Social Science Space talks to one of the issue’s guest editors.

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AllTrials Opens Curtains on Clinical Trials

AllTrials Opens Curtains on Clinical Trials

The AllTrials campaign, which asks clinical researchers to register their trials and then release all the data gained, has come to the United States.

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Come Visit SAGE at AOM 2015!

Come Visit SAGE at AOM 2015!

Friday marks the first day of the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Vancouver! Make sure to stop by […]

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Three Webinars Give Tips on Data Mining

Three Webinars Give Tips on Data Mining

An archived version of a webinar offering strategies and tools for text and data mining for scholars in the social sciences and […]

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Here Be Dragons: The Perils of Predatory Publishing

Here Be Dragons: The Perils of Predatory Publishing

The need to ‘publish of perish’ may send many academics adrift in unknown and dangerous waters of the predatory and vanity journals. It’s worth keeping a weather eye before sailing over the edge.

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