Archives for November, 2015

Prewitt: Good Science Will Always Find Its Use
Academic Funding
November 6, 2015

Prewitt: Good Science Will Always Find Its Use

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Mixing Business and Ethics: How the Rotary Club Encouraged Ethical Business Practices
Business and Management INK
November 6, 2015

Mixing Business and Ethics: How the Rotary Club Encouraged Ethical Business Practices

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Deregulating Social Science Research Ethics – Clipping the Wings of IRBs?
International Debate
November 5, 2015

Deregulating Social Science Research Ethics – Clipping the Wings of IRBs?

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A New Front in the Replication Wars: Economics
November 5, 2015

A New Front in the Replication Wars: Economics

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How Can Mental Models Illuminate Decision-Making and Learning Processes?

How Can Mental Models Illuminate Decision-Making and Learning Processes?

[We’re pleased to welcome Robin Grenier of the University of Connecticut. Dr. Grenier recently published an article with Dr. Dana Dudzinska-Przesmitzki in the Human Resource […]

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Contested Spaces: Infrastructural Citizenship in the City

Contested Spaces: Infrastructural Citizenship in the City

Politicizing infrastructure — literally making inert materials into arenas in which they could claim and assert political power– creates a shared set of actions that constitute an expression of what Kyle Shelton calls ‘infrastructural citizenship,’ which he argues has been a key component in how modern cities have developed.

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Book Review: What Unions No Longer Do

Book Review: What Unions No Longer Do

What Unions No Longer Do. By Jake Rosenfeld . Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2014. 288 pp. ISBN 978-0-674725119, $39.95 (Cloth). Barry […]

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The National Interest and the NSF

The National Interest and the NSF

Current legislation calls for federally funded science to be in the ‘national interest.’ What does that even mean, and why do scientists fear this Republican-led effort?

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Diplomacy or Destroyers: Uncle Sam’s Freedom of Navigation Choice

Diplomacy or Destroyers: Uncle Sam’s Freedom of Navigation Choice

Amitai Etzioni argues that the U.S. shouldn’t automatically resort to the big stick when engaging in its self-imposed job as the world’s enforcer of freedom of navigation.

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How Do Customers and Companies Benefit from Service Firm Transparency?

How Do Customers and Companies Benefit from Service Firm Transparency?

[We’re pleased to welcome Andreas B. Eisengerich, who collaborated with Omar Merlo, Seigyoung Auh, and Hae Eun Helen Chun on their paper […]

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Organization and Environment Seeks New Editor

Organization and Environment Seeks New Editor

Organization & Environment invites applications for the position of Editor. The term of office is three years beginning January 1, 2017 with […]

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