Archives for 2015

Book Excerpt: Fareed Zakaria Defends Liberal Education
Higher Education Reform
September 21, 2015

Book Excerpt: Fareed Zakaria Defends Liberal Education

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How Sustainable is Sustainability Science?
Public Policy
September 21, 2015

How Sustainable is Sustainability Science?

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Congratulations to Family Business Review’s Outstanding Reviewer for 2015!
Business and Management INK
September 21, 2015

Congratulations to Family Business Review’s Outstanding Reviewer for 2015!

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Taking a Closer Look at the Building Blocks of Psychological Contracts
Business and Management INK
September 18, 2015

Taking a Closer Look at the Building Blocks of Psychological Contracts

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Looking at Affirmative Action in a New Light

Looking at Affirmative Action in a New Light

Stereotype threat occurs when an individual is afraid of confirming a negative stereotype about a group to which he or she belongs and, in a cruel irony, performs worse because of it. Research shows the phenomenon is real and can sabotage affirmative action.

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What’s Distinctive About Britain’s New Corporate Universities?

What’s Distinctive About Britain’s New Corporate Universities?

British universities are changing at rapid pace, notes Daniel Nehring in the first of a new series of article on the so-called corporate university. The consequences of these changes are cause of concern for many academics, who worry about their working conditions and the future of academic freedom.

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Using Social Marketing in China to Reduce the Spread of Cysticerosis

Using Social Marketing in China to Reduce the Spread of Cysticerosis

[We’re pleased to welcome Mary Dickey of the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Dr. Dickey recently published “Program Evaluation of a […]

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Obama Orders More Behavioral Science in Policy

Obama Orders More Behavioral Science in Policy

America’s own ‘nudge unit’ celebrates its first birthday with a report outlining the low-cost ways that applied social and behavioral research is improving government services, saving money and raising revenue.

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It’s Not the Lack of Replication, It’s the Lack of Trying to Replicate!

It’s Not the Lack of Replication, It’s the Lack of Trying to Replicate!

Psychology is still digesting the implications of a large study published last month, in which a team led by University of Virginia’s […]

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An Interview With Gareth Morgan on Metaphors in Organization Theory

An Interview With Gareth Morgan on Metaphors in Organization Theory

Well-known for his work in organization theory, Gareth Morgan explored the use of metaphors to help examine organization problems in his 1986 […]

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What Effect Does Status Endowment Have on Customer Loyalty Programs?

What Effect Does Status Endowment Have on Customer Loyalty Programs?

[We’re pleased to welcome Lena Steinhoff of the University of Paderborn in Germany. Dr. Steinhoff recently collaborated with Andreas Eggert of University […]

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Why Did the Proton Cross the Road? Humor and Science Communication

Why Did the Proton Cross the Road? Humor and Science Communication

The use of humor in public discourse about science has grown remarkably over the past few years, and when used in science […]

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