Archives for 2015

Restoring Self-Worth Encourages Healthy Behaviors
August 26, 2015

Restoring Self-Worth Encourages Healthy Behaviors

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Become an Ask for Evidence Ambassador
August 26, 2015

Become an Ask for Evidence Ambassador

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A Primer for the Beginning Peer Reviewer
August 26, 2015

A Primer for the Beginning Peer Reviewer

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How to Manage Salesforce Performance Measures? An Optimal Choice Between Behavior Versus Outcome Approaches
Business and Management INK
August 26, 2015

How to Manage Salesforce Performance Measures? An Optimal Choice Between Behavior Versus Outcome Approaches

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Japan’s Education Ministry Says to Axe Social Science and Humanities

Japan’s Education Ministry Says to Axe Social Science and Humanities

Citing an aging population and concerns about economic competitiveness, Japan’s education ministry offers a drastic solution for the national universities: Get rid of social science and humanities departments, and do it now.

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Please Follow the Golden Rule for Peer Review

Please Follow the Golden Rule for Peer Review

Few peer reviewers are provided with any training or mentoring on how to undertake a review, and generally learn by doing. Sometimes, though, it’s hard to navigate the line between being both critical and supportive.

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Free Research-Based Film Impacts 10,000 Viewers So Far

Free Research-Based Film Impacts 10,000 Viewers So Far

The medium of film itself opens doors to audiences that otherwise would never come across academic research, as the forces behind the online project RUFUS STONE’ will attest.

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Weeding the Books Out of Academic Libraries

Weeding the Books Out of Academic Libraries

The printed book, though still part of the academic library ensemble, is being relegated to the role of supporting player rather than the lead actor, argues a University of California librarian.

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Thomas A. Wright on Incorporating Character in Business Education

Thomas A. Wright on Incorporating Character in Business Education

According to The Atlantic, between 2001 and 2010 the annual rate of scholarly article retractions increased by a factor of 11. A […]

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Book Review: Paul-Brian McInerney: From Social Movement to Moral Market: How the Circuit Riders Sparked an IT Revolution and Created a Technology Market

Book Review: Paul-Brian McInerney: From Social Movement to Moral Market: How the Circuit Riders Sparked an IT Revolution and Created a Technology Market

Paul-Brian McInerney: From Social Movement to Moral Market: How the Circuit Riders Sparked an IT Revolution and Created a Technology Market. Stanford, […]

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Journal of Management Seeks Papers on Global Work in the Multinational Enterprise

Journal of Management Seeks Papers on Global Work in the Multinational Enterprise

Journal of Management invites scholars to submit research for an upcoming Special Issue entitled “Global Work in the Multinational Enterprise: New Avenues […]

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The Waves of the Metric Tide

The Waves of the Metric Tide

While the initial splash made by ‘The Metric Tide,’ an independent review on the role of metrics in research assessment, has died down since its release last month, the underlying critique continues to make waves.

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