Archives for 2015

Come Visit SAGE at AOM 2015!
Business and Management INK
August 5, 2015

Come Visit SAGE at AOM 2015!

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Three Webinars Give Tips on Data Mining
August 4, 2015

Three Webinars Give Tips on Data Mining

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Here Be Dragons: The Perils of Predatory Publishing
August 4, 2015

Here Be Dragons: The Perils of Predatory Publishing

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Seeing Others as Fully Human
August 3, 2015

Seeing Others as Fully Human

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Responsible Management Education – Are Schools Walking Their Talk?

Responsible Management Education – Are Schools Walking Their Talk?

[We’re pleased to welcome Andreas Rasche of Copenhagen Business School. Dr. Rasche recently published an article in the July issue of Journal […]

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Bill: Make ‘National Interest’ Explicit in NSF Grants

Bill: Make ‘National Interest’ Explicit in NSF Grants

In February officials with the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the National Science Board trooped up […]

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Don’t Miss the 2015 ICHRIE Summer Conference!

Don’t Miss the 2015 ICHRIE Summer Conference!

Today is the final day of the 2015 Annual International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (ICHRIE) Summer Conference in Orlando, […]

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Sheldon Solomon on Fear of Death

Sheldon Solomon on Fear of Death

Social psychologist Sheldon Solomon routinely thinks about the unthinkable, studying how humans behave differently when the unthinkable forces its way into their thoughts. In this Social Science Bites podcast, he explains how the fear of death actually propels humankind forward.

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Introducing the New Editor of Journal of Sports Economics!

Introducing the New Editor of Journal of Sports Economics!

We’re pleased to welcome the new editor of Journal of Sports Economics, Dennis Coates! Dr. Coates graciously provided us with some information […]

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Malaria Vaccine – Great Science But What’s the Point?

Malaria Vaccine – Great Science But What’s the Point?

Bully for the researchers who have developed a vaccine can build resistance against some instances of malaria, says Robert Dingwall. But before the WHO recommends for its adoption, he suggests a harder look at user-centered design and cost-benefit analysis may be in order.

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I Never Thought I’d Quote the Pope: Self-Interested Pragmatism and University Rankings

I Never Thought I’d Quote the Pope: Self-Interested Pragmatism and University Rankings

In his recent encyclical that made waves for addressing climate change, notes our blogger Michelle Stack, Pope Francis also spoke about the current emphasis on education as a consumer product that focuses on “self-interested pragmatism.”

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Robert E. Evert on Empirics in Family Business Research

Robert E. Evert on Empirics in Family Business Research

[We’re pleased to welcome Robert E. Evert of Texas Tech University. Dr. Evert recently published an article in Family Business Review with […]

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