Archives for 2015

Latest COMPETES Bill Heads to House Floor
Academic Funding
April 23, 2015

Latest COMPETES Bill Heads to House Floor

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Awaiting Academic Success? When Frogs Fly
April 23, 2015

Awaiting Academic Success? When Frogs Fly

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False Confessions, True Consequences: Why and How to Reform Interrogations  
April 21, 2015

False Confessions, True Consequences: Why and How to Reform Interrogations  

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COSSA Statement on the House America COMPETES  Reauthorization Act of 2015 (H.R.  1806)
Academic Funding
April 17, 2015

COSSA Statement on the House America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2015 (H.R. 1806)

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NSF’s Social Science Funding Almost Cut in Half in Draft Bill

NSF’s Social Science Funding Almost Cut in Half in Draft Bill

A new version of landmark legislation that has defined science research spending by the U.S. government for almost a decade has been released, and social science spending is — as expected — is in the crosshairs.

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The Self is Not Just I

The Self is Not Just I

David Canter examines the latest themed issue of the journal of the Academy of Social Sciences, which approaches how we determine what our ‘self’ is. These abstract arguments have important implications in areas such as national security and even finance, he finds.

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To Better Social Policies, Listen to Beneficiaries

To Better Social Policies, Listen to Beneficiaries

Who would have more valuable feedback than the people being assisted about how or why a program is meeting their genuine needs or not. Using ‘behavioral mapping,’ researchers can design better interventions based on real-life data and not the researchers’ own assumptions.

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What do MPs Think of Randomised Controlled Trials?

What do MPs Think of Randomised Controlled Trials?

A survey of MPs’ attitudes has found unexpected support for using randomised controlled trials (RCTs) to test social policy. It also found […]

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Round-up of Social Science Research

Round-up of Social Science Research

The following articles are drawn from SAGE Insight, which spotlights research published in SAGE’s more than 800 journals. The articles linked below are free […]

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Divining the Future of College

Divining the Future of College

Kevin Carey deftly explains how a series of historical contingencies combined to create the peculiar mash-up that is the contemporary research university, according to a new book by Kevin Carey.

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Exploring The Genetic Basis of Enlistment

Exploring The Genetic Basis of Enlistment

How much – or how little – do genes contribute to the decision to enter the military? A lot, according to the first effort to pin down an answer to that question. One of the researchers answers questions about the study.

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Can Transparency Equal Trust in Science’s Crisis of Credibility?

Can Transparency Equal Trust in Science’s Crisis of Credibility?

Science is considered a source of truth and the importance of its role in shaping modern society cannot be overstated. But in […]

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