Archives for 2015

Discrimination through Ambiguity: Reducing Workplace Bias Against Minority Immigrants
January 12, 2015

Discrimination through Ambiguity: Reducing Workplace Bias Against Minority Immigrants

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Book Review: Betsy Leondar-Wright: Missing Class: How Seeing Class Cultures Can Strengthen Social Movement Groups
January 9, 2015

Book Review: Betsy Leondar-Wright: Missing Class: How Seeing Class Cultures Can Strengthen Social Movement Groups

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Studying Economics: Of the Elites by the Elites
Higher Education Reform
January 9, 2015

Studying Economics: Of the Elites by the Elites

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Do You Have Research on Marketing Education?
Business and Management INK
January 8, 2015

Do You Have Research on Marketing Education?

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The Author of Risk Society: Ulrich Beck, 1944-2015

The Author of Risk Society: Ulrich Beck, 1944-2015

The German sociologist and public intellectual who posited that manufactured risk was a primary product of modernity died on New Year’s Day at age 70

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Debating the Legacy of Ulrich Beck

Debating the Legacy of Ulrich Beck

Amid the encomiums and eulogies surrounding the late German sociologist Ulrich Beck, Robert Dingwall asks how far Beck’s body of published work represents a model that other sociologists should seek to follow

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Human Resource Development Review Now Indexed in Thomson Reuters!

Human Resource Development Review Now Indexed in Thomson Reuters!

We’re pleased to announce that Human Resource Development Review is now indexed in Thomson Reuters’ Social Science Citation Index! The journal will receive […]

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Probing the ‘Informed’ Voter: Philip Converse, 1928-2014

Probing the ‘Informed’ Voter: Philip Converse, 1928-2014

Philip Converse looked at the “informed voter” and questioned just what sort of information that voter really possessed, forever changing the assumptions behind political science research.

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Impact Requires Moving Past Conventional Academic Boundaries

Impact Requires Moving Past Conventional Academic Boundaries

The Dutch Senate last year passed a new Standard Evaluation Protocol that highlights the importance of social impact for research. Here, three academics from Erasmus University discuss some of the implications, using their own field of development studies as an example.

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Jeffrey B. Vancouver on Tests of Mediation

Jeffrey B. Vancouver on Tests of Mediation

[We’re pleased to welcome Jeffrey B. Vancouver of Ohio University. Dr. Vancouver collaborated with Bruce W. Carlson, also of Ohio University, on […]

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How Do Leadership Perceptions Affect Leader-Follower Exchange Quality?

How Do Leadership Perceptions Affect Leader-Follower Exchange Quality?

[We’re pleased to welcome Patrick T. Coyle, who collaborated with Roseanne Foti on the article “If You’re Not With Me You’re . […]

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Roundtable Puts Social and Behavioral Research Back on Agenda

Roundtable Puts Social and Behavioral Research Back on Agenda

A roundtable sponsored by the U.S. National Research Council will examine applications of social and behavioral science.

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