Archives for 2016

ESRC Celebrating Impact Prize 2016 Shortlist Announced
May 12, 2016

ESRC Celebrating Impact Prize 2016 Shortlist Announced

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Explaining the Recent Decline of Retirement Plans
Business and Management INK
May 11, 2016

Explaining the Recent Decline of Retirement Plans

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Presidential Nominations: A Quick History
International Debate
May 11, 2016

Presidential Nominations: A Quick History

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Iris Bohnet on Discrimination and Design
Social Science Bites
May 10, 2016

Iris Bohnet on Discrimination and Design

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Defining and Exploring Boundary Conditions

Defining and Exploring Boundary Conditions

While it is easy to agree that boundary conditions are an important part of theory development and research, it is not as […]

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Read the New Issue of Administrative Science Quarterly!

Read the New Issue of Administrative Science Quarterly!

The June 2016 issue of Administrative Science Quarterly is now available online and can be accessed free for the next 30 days. […]

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Labor Economics and May Day throughout the Year

Labor Economics and May Day throughout the Year

As in recent years, work and economic issues have been on the minds of citizens worldwide – and not just on May […]

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Indian Entrepreneurship and Its Varied Manifestations: A Historical Perspective

Indian Entrepreneurship and Its Varied Manifestations: A Historical Perspective

Stories have always captured the imagination of man. Be it timeless epics, like the Mahabharata and Ramayana, or more recent books, like […]

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From Publication to the Public: Expanding your Research Beyond Academia

From Publication to the Public: Expanding your Research Beyond Academia

Sage 1178 News

[Reposted with permission of the SAGE Connection blog, where this first appeared.] SAGE Publishing, the parent of Social Science Space, recently held the […]

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What Does an Anthropologist Actually Do?

What Does an Anthropologist Actually Do?

Anthropologists use ethnographic methods designed to facilitate their competency in another culture to understand what people do, think, feel and say that might seem strange to an outsider but are completely familiar to an insider. But what does that mean in practice?

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Do Consumers Avoid Genetically Modified Wines?

Do Consumers Avoid Genetically Modified Wines?

[We’re pleased to welcome Christina Chi of Washington State University. Christina recently published an article in Cornell Hospitality Quarterly entitled “Ready to Embrace […]

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Book Review: The Biological Foundations of Organizational Behavior

Book Review: The Biological Foundations of Organizational Behavior

Stephen Colarelli, Richard Arvey , eds.: The Biological Foundations of Organizational Behavior. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015. 364 pp. $120.00, hardcover. […]

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