Archives for 2016

A Murder in Egypt; an Attack on Academic Freedom
February 8, 2016

A Murder in Egypt; an Attack on Academic Freedom

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Success Story: How the Adelante Program Uses Social Marketing to Engage Latino Youth
Business and Management INK
February 8, 2016

Success Story: How the Adelante Program Uses Social Marketing to Engage Latino Youth

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The March Issue of Administrative Science Quarterly is Now Online!
Business and Management INK
February 5, 2016

The March Issue of Administrative Science Quarterly is Now Online!

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Testing a Hypothesis? Be Upfront About It and Win $1,000
February 5, 2016

Testing a Hypothesis? Be Upfront About It and Win $1,000

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One Size Does Not Fit All

One Size Does Not Fit All

Current efforts to solve wicked problems with a quick dusting of data are unlikely to result in socially useful answers. Luckily, there are innovative people and initiatives using a variety of methods to home in on real solutions.

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Old Stress, New Stress, Bad Stress, Eustress: Challenging Employees with Positive Organizational Stress

Old Stress, New Stress, Bad Stress, Eustress: Challenging Employees with Positive Organizational Stress

[We’re pleased to welcome Wendy Becker of Shippensburg University. Dr. Becker recently published an article in Human Resource Development Review with co-authors […]

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Duflo, Heckman, James, Sugrue, Tetlock Named AAPSS Fellows

Duflo, Heckman, James, Sugrue, Tetlock Named AAPSS Fellows

The American Academy of Political and Social Science has elected five distinguished scholars and practitioners as 2016 fellows. Since founding its Fellows […]

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NSF’s Three “Sensational Surveys” Survive and Thrive

NSF’s Three “Sensational Surveys” Survive and Thrive

This election season, spare a thought for the travails of the American national Election Study and two other data-rich surveys promoted — and protected — by the National Science Foundation’s Social, Behavioral and Econoic directorate.

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Diversify and Conquer: An Argument for Reinvigorating Marketing Science with Behavioral Science and Humanities

Diversify and Conquer: An Argument for Reinvigorating Marketing Science with Behavioral Science and Humanities

[We’re pleased to welcome Gerald Zaltman of Harvard Business School and Olson Zaltman Associates. Dr. Zaltman recently published an article in Cornell […]

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Zika – What Are the Real Lessons from Ebola?

Zika – What Are the Real Lessons from Ebola?

Another disease in the tropics has the World Health Organisation in a lather, and again biomedicine’s response will not be all that useful in the short term. Social science can help now to address the underlying problems that help the Zika virus to spread — if policymakers will listen.

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William H. Starbuck on How Journals Can Improve Research Practices in Social Sciences

William H. Starbuck on How Journals Can Improve Research Practices in Social Sciences

This year marks the 60th Anniversary of Administrative Science Quarterly, presenting an opportunity to not only celebrate the success of the journal […]

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University Amenities and University Food Banks

University Amenities and University Food Banks

Is it possible, asks our Michelle Stack, to have an excellent university that is inequitable?

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