
Critiquing the US News Media: Fake News and Real Money

November 27, 2017 1640

There’s an old saying that whoever pays the piper calls the tune. With that in mind, who funds the outlets that report the news – the real news – that Americans consume every day and that often serve to communicate the work of social scientists? How does that influence how or even what gets covered? And what about fake news? In the videos below, a trio of media professionals along with the former dean of the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland, offer their savvy takes on these questions and more.

The sessions were drawn from a panel discussion, “Who is Paying That Reporter? Perspectives from the News Industry,” drawn from a September 1 panel hosted by SAGE Publishing in conjunction with the 2017 annual meeting of the American Political Science Association. The panelists dig deep into the origins sand history of fake news and touch on the intersection of political science and political coverage.

Speakers include Steve Katz, publisher of Mother Jones; Linda Strean, director of media and web at the Public Policy Institute of California and formerly of The San Francisco Chronicle; and Nicholas Jackson, editor-in-chief at Pacific Standard. The panel is moderated professor Donald Kettl, who in addition to his work at Maryland is a nonresident senior fellow at the Partnership for Public Service, the Volcker Alliance, and the Brookings Institution.

What Do We Mean By Fake News?

Does Who Pays for the News Affect Its Trustworthiness?

What Happened to Having a Shared Media Literacy?

Has Identity Become Our Personal News Editor?

Is Post-Truth Malaise a Terminal Disease?

Can You Explain the Gap Between Political News and Political Science?

Does History Show a Way Out of Fake News Maze?

Won’t Your Funding Source Affect Your News Decisions?

What Should Media Tell Political Scientists?

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