Archives for March, 2018

How Do You Feel About Companies With Personal Data
March 31, 2018

How Do You Feel About Companies With Personal Data

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Heidi Neck on Entrepreneurship in Teaching Future Entrepreneurs
March 30, 2018

Heidi Neck on Entrepreneurship in Teaching Future Entrepreneurs

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COSSA, Others Fear Fallout from Census Including Citizenship Question
March 28, 2018

COSSA, Others Fear Fallout from Census Including Citizenship Question

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Survey Asks Questions About Scholarly Journal Use
March 27, 2018

Survey Asks Questions About Scholarly Journal Use

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What Exactly is ‘Psychographics’?

What Exactly is ‘Psychographics’?

Cambridge Analytica’s approach to crunching social media data represents a step change in how analytics can today be used as a tool to generate insights – and to exert influence.

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Will Cambridge Analytica Hurt Legitimate Research?

Will Cambridge Analytica Hurt Legitimate Research?

It is right to believe that researchers and their employers value research integrity, says Annabel Latham. But instances where trust has been betrayed by an academic – even if it’s the case that data used for university research purposes wasn’t caught in the crossfire – will have a negative impact on whether participants will continue to trust researchers.

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US Budget Omnibus Increases Federally Funded Research Spending

US Budget Omnibus Increases Federally Funded Research Spending

Months into the 2018 fiscal year, the U.S. Congress approved and the president today signed a $1.3 trillion spending plan for the existing fiscal year that increases National Science Foundation funding to $7.77 billion and does not cut social science research funding.

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Study Shows Lack of Female Authors in Academic Writing

Study Shows Lack of Female Authors in Academic Writing

Like it or loathe it, publishing in highprofile journals is the fast track to prestigious positions in academia. Yet somehow, in the search to understand why women’s scientific careers often fail to thrive, the role of academic writing has received little scrutiny. So to examine the representation of women within academic writing, Ione Fine, Alicia Shen, Jason Webster & Yuichi Shoda review 166,000 articles (between 2005-2017) to see how many are by women.

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Shortlist for the Duckies 2018 Revealed

Shortlist for the Duckies 2018 Revealed

The shortlist for the Online Achievement in International Studies (OAIS) Awards, otherwise known as the Duckies, has been announced. This year’s awards ceremony will feature talks by three expert bloggers on their craft.

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How to Get Most from an Academic Conference- A Checklist

How to Get Most from an Academic Conference- A Checklist

Going to an academic conference is an exciting opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and exchange stimulating ideas. However, to make the most of a conference requires a lot of hard work before, during, and after the meeting itself. Marta Teperek provides a checklist of things to do at each of these stages.

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What is The Relationship Between Research and Policy?

What is The Relationship Between Research and Policy?

Christina Boswell and Katherine Smith set out four different approaches to theorizing the relationship between knowledge and policy and consider what each of these suggests about approaches to incentivising and measuring research impact.

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Aging Collection Marks First of Many Interdisciplinary Troves for Researchers

Aging Collection Marks First of Many Interdisciplinary Troves for Researchers

Sage 1061 Research

In the first of what will be a monthly series, SAGE Publishing will open up articles in a specific area of public […]

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