Archives for March, 2018

Benefits of Transdisciplinary PhD Programs
March 14, 2018

Benefits of Transdisciplinary PhD Programs

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Academy of Management Report on Measuring Scholarly Impact
March 13, 2018

Academy of Management Report on Measuring Scholarly Impact

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Washington and Social Science: The President’s Decimation of Social Science
March 12, 2018

Washington and Social Science: The President’s Decimation of Social Science

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Prize-Winner Describes the Process Behind Her Dissertation
March 12, 2018

Prize-Winner Describes the Process Behind Her Dissertation

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Educational Reforms Still Have No Answer for School System

Educational Reforms Still Have No Answer for School System

The Gates Foundation is regrouping after its latest school improvement disappointment, but it’s not bowing out of the education reform business. As the philanthropic powerhouse led by Bill and Melinda Gates explained in their latest annual letter to the public, it ended its effort to overhaul teacher evaluation systems after determining that these efforts were failing to generate intended results.

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Ignorance and Interdisciplinary Work: Field Notes from the Social Science Foo Camp

Ignorance and Interdisciplinary Work: Field Notes from the Social Science Foo Camp

The first-ever “Social Science FOO Camp” was held a couple weeks ago at the Facebook headquarters in California. What’s a Social Science Foo Camp? According to Tom Kecskemethy, director of the AAPSS, “its a hard-to-describe ‘un-conference,’ for the uninitiated.” Follow Tom in this post as he shares his perspective on the FOO camp and explains what he learned.

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COSSA Looks at the President’s Science Budget in Depth

COSSA Looks at the President’s Science Budget in Depth

The Consortium of Social Science Associations has taken a good look at the budget proposed by President Trump, and finds a particular concern: the disproportionate treatment of the NSF’s Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences Directorate in the request, which would see a cut of 9.1 percent from FY 2017.

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Sander van der Linden on Viral Altruism

Sander van der Linden on Viral Altruism

When online charitable appeals take off, social psychologist Sander van der Linden perks up. He studies ‘viral altruism,’ and in this Social Science Bites podcast he details to host David Edmonds how he studies this phenomenon.

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