Archives for May, 2019

A Tool that Detects the Strength of Hate Speech on Twitter
May 31, 2019

A Tool that Detects the Strength of Hate Speech on Twitter

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Heard the One About a Politician Who Became a Friend on Facebook? New Political Communication
May 31, 2019

Heard the One About a Politician Who Became a Friend on Facebook? New Political Communication

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The Changing Imperative to Demonstrate Social Science Impact
May 29, 2019

The Changing Imperative to Demonstrate Social Science Impact

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Science Communication and ‘Knowing Thy Audience’
May 28, 2019

Science Communication and ‘Knowing Thy Audience’

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2018 SAGE Concept Grant Winners Interview- Ken Benoit from Quanteda

2018 SAGE Concept Grant Winners Interview- Ken Benoit from Quanteda

As SAGE Ocean builds up to this year’s winner announcement of the 2019 SAGE Concept Grant, they caught up with the three winners from 2018 to see what they’ve been up to and how the seed funding has helped in the development of their tools. Here is the second in a series of three interviews with the winners.

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The Practice-Research Bridge: Do Marketing Practitioners Read Academic Research?

The Practice-Research Bridge: Do Marketing Practitioners Read Academic Research?

At the Winter Academic Conference of the American Marketing Association, four Austin, Texas-based marketing professionals discussed how they stay up-to-date on the latest marketing strategies and research, the place of research-based recommendations over others, and tips for researchers who want to make an impact in practice.

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New Report Looks at Steps Toward Impact Measurement

New Report Looks at Steps Toward Impact Measurement

SAGE Publishing, the parent of Social Science Space, has released a report on measuring the impact of social science. Two issues undergird the report – that traditional “literature-based” measurements of impact are insufficient for modern demands to show value for money, and that new technologies make new ways of measuring impact possible.

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2018 SAGE Concept Grant Winners Interview- Digital DNA Toolbox

2018 SAGE Concept Grant Winners Interview- Digital DNA Toolbox

As SAGE Ocean builds up to this year’s winner announcement of the 2019 SAGE Concept Grant, they caught up with the three winners from 2018 to see what they’ve been up to and how the seed funding has helped in the development of their tools.

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Reflections on the Death of Doris Day

Reflections on the Death of Doris Day

Ruminating on the late Doris Day – and in particular her rendition of ‘Que sera sera’ – our Robert Dingwall draws a comparison with the Greek Stoics , Western educational trends and the restraint that was once a feature of sociological inquiry.

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Meanwhile, Impact Down Under

Meanwhile, Impact Down Under

Australia has been sampling a variety of tests for measuring research impact for more than a decade, but has yet to settle on whether the ‘impact agenda’ is here to stay.

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Fellowship Seeks Researchers to Assist National Park Service

Fellowship Seeks Researchers to Assist National Park Service

The National Park Foundation – the congressionally chartered nonprofit partner of the U.S. National Park Service – has announced a fellowship seeking “innovative scientific research that can inform park management.”

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Try Out – and Build On – Our Social Science Terminology Service

Try Out – and Build On – Our Social Science Terminology Service

At SAGE’s new online Social Science Thesaurus, click around to discover information on over 61,000 concepts in the social and behavioral sciences, such as definitions of key terms and how they relate to other concepts. You can search for a specific concept, or try clicking the ‘Hierarchy’ tab and browse through the social sciences from the top down.

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