Archives for July, 2019

Impact and Assessing Public Engagement
July 18, 2019

Impact and Assessing Public Engagement

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Why Does the British Labour Party Struggle with Antisemitism?
July 18, 2019

Why Does the British Labour Party Struggle with Antisemitism?

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No More Tradeoffs: The Era of Big Data Analysis Has Come
July 16, 2019

No More Tradeoffs: The Era of Big Data Analysis Has Come

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Sociology & Philosophy the First Victims in Bolsonaro’s Culture War
International Debate
July 16, 2019

Sociology & Philosophy the First Victims in Bolsonaro’s Culture War

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UC Librarian Foresees Seismic Shift from Elsevier Showdown

UC Librarian Foresees Seismic Shift from Elsevier Showdown

In the wake of Elsevier shuttering access to its current journal articles at the University of California, the university librarian at UC-Davis reviews the context of the dispute and argues open access offers the best path for academia’s future.

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Do Practitioners Prefer to Connect with Researchers who are Local?

Do Practitioners Prefer to Connect with Researchers who are Local?

One long-standing concern with connecting research and practice is that the implications of research findings are often presented in a highly “decontextualized, distant way” that makes it difficult for practitioners to apply them to the specific context where they work.

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How Learned Societies and Open Access Will Learn to Co-Exist

How Learned Societies and Open Access Will Learn to Co-Exist

Plan S, a funder led initiative to drive open access to research will influence how learned societies, the organizations tasked with representing academics in particular disciplines, operate, as many currently depend on revenues from journal subscriptions to cross-subsidise their activities. Here, Alicia Wise and Lorraine Estelle update the first phase of the SPA-OPS project assessing the options available for learned societies to make the transition to open access.

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Why the Community that Sings Together Stays Together

Why the Community that Sings Together Stays Together

Is singing is a behavior that evolved to bond groups together? This question launched a research project that involved London’s Megachoir and the charity Workers’ Educational Association.

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Have We Outsourced Impact Measures to Database Providers?

Have We Outsourced Impact Measures to Database Providers?

Arlette Jappe, David Pithan and Thomas Heinze find that the growth in the volume of ‘evaluative citation analysis’ publications has not led to the formation of an intellectual field with strong reputational control. This has left a gap which has been filled by commercial database providers, who by selecting and distributing research metrics have gained a powerful role in defining standards of research excellence without being challenged by expert authority.

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When Do Practitioners Want to Connect with Researchers?

When Do Practitioners Want to Connect with Researchers?

In the first of a series of short posts by Adam S. Levine spotlighting what the organization Research4Impact has learned about connecting social science researches with practitioners, he identifies four reasons why nonprofit practitioners have wanted to engage with social scientists.

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Technology Can Collect and Analyze Evidence for Policy

Technology Can Collect and Analyze Evidence for Policy

Creators and participants in the Evidence Synthesis Hackathon ask what’s the solution to coping with the increasing volume of evidence needed to build effective, solid policy? They argue that technology is the key. With accessible software tools and workflows, machines can be left to do the laborious work so that people can focus on planning, thinking and doing.

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Graphical & Video Abstracts: An Interview with Tullio Rossi

Graphical & Video Abstracts: An Interview with Tullio Rossi

It goes without saying that research has greater impact when more people have access to it. In a distracted, multilingual world we often struggle to get important research findings into the hands of those who can use what we’ve learned. As Dr. Tullio Rossi of Animate Your Science points out, visuals help us reach across disciplines.

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