Archives for 2019

Setting the Norms of Internet-based Survey Research
September 5, 2019

Setting the Norms of Internet-based Survey Research

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Harvey Whitehouse on Rituals
Social Science Bites
September 5, 2019

Harvey Whitehouse on Rituals

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Chronicler of a Generation’s Spirituality: Wade Clark Roof, 1949-2019
August 29, 2019

Chronicler of a Generation’s Spirituality: Wade Clark Roof, 1949-2019

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Social Precognition and Sociology: The Case of Resistentialism and ANT
August 29, 2019

Social Precognition and Sociology: The Case of Resistentialism and ANT

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How Archival Research Morphs in the Digital Age

How Archival Research Morphs in the Digital Age

Today, and into the future, consulting archival documents increasingly means reading them on a screen. This brings with it opportunity — imagine being able to search for keywords across millions of documents, leading to radically faster search times — but also challenge, as the number of electronic documents increases exponentially.

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Are Practitioner-Researcher Conversations Enjoyable?

Are Practitioner-Researcher Conversations Enjoyable?

The last in a series from Adam Seth Levine. “Diversity increases creativity and innovation…interacting with people from different backgrounds…can [also] be a source of…conflict.” With that possibility in mind, Adam Seth Levine wanted to know if the experience itself was enjoyable.

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International Students in China: Divergent Journeys and Multidimensional Lives

International Students in China: Divergent Journeys and Multidimensional Lives

Mengwei Tu, a lecturer in sociology at East China University of Science and Technology, describes her encounters with two postgraduate students from Pakistan. They highlight both China’s potential to become an attractive destination for international students and the difficulties involved in the internationalization of a society that was isolated from the outside world for much of its recent history.

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Modernizing the Monograph Ecosystem Can Save Them From Extinction

Modernizing the Monograph Ecosystem Can Save Them From Extinction

The future of the academic monograph has been questioned for over two decades. At the heart of this ‘monograph crisis’ has been a publishing industry centred on the print publication of monographs and a failure and lack of incentives to develop business models that would support a transition to open digital monographs. In this post Mike Taylor argues that if monographs are to be appropriately valued, there is a pressing need to further integrate monographs into the digital infrastructure of scholarly communication. Failing this, the difficulty in tracking the usage and discovery of monographs online, will likely make the case for justifying further investment in monographs harder.

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Video: APS Panel Discusses Nexus of Impact and Life

Video: APS Panel Discusses Nexus of Impact and Life

Can social science’s impact be boiled down to improving and enriching lives? In recent years, there has been an uptake in requirements […]

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Britain’s Mental Health Crisis, Mindfulness and the Sociological Imagination

Britain’s Mental Health Crisis, Mindfulness and the Sociological Imagination

The popularization of mindfulness, write Daniel Nehring and Ashley Frawley, cannot just be understood as a recent response to public perceptions of a mental health crisis. Rather, it is the result of developments in academic psychology, in its clinical uses in psychotherapy, and in its growing commercial exploitation from the 1980s onwards.

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ESRC’s Effort to Develop Leadership in the Social Sciences: A Hunt for Unicorns?

ESRC’s Effort to Develop Leadership in the Social Sciences: A Hunt for Unicorns?

Surely preparing Britain’s social science community to take the lead in a future of global and interdisciplinary team research isn’t a quest for a mythical beast? Matt Flinders, who heads an ESRC project trying to nurture that leadership, doesn’t think so – but he understands why someone might think it is.

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Shaping Welsh Government Policy with Research Evidence

Shaping Welsh Government Policy with Research Evidence

The Wales Centre for Public Policy is helping to inform and shape policy decisions by presenting research evidence directly to government ministers, producing over 120 studies in the last five years – supporting effective policy making and benefiting public services across Wales.

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