Social Science Bites

Seeing Social Science Bites Podcasts in a New Way​​

July 1, 2020 11457

Since its debut in 2012, the Social Science Bites podcast series every month has brought the voices of the world’s top social and behavioral researchers to the wider world. Looking over that body of work, we realized that mating sound with vision made excellent sense, and so enlisted scientific illustrator Alex Cagan to bring a select number of our podcasts to life via his pen.

Alex CaganCagan is a research scientist, currently investigating evolutionary processes in somatic tissue at the Sanger Wellcome Institute, and a scientific illustrator. In that role, he uses art and illustration to try and share the wonder and beauty of science. his illustrations have been featured in Science, GENETICS, PNAS, and Ecology Letters. His digital tip jar is located here:

Feel free to share these illustrations widely, but please also include a link to each podcast they highlight (click on the illustration to find the specific podcast). And return to this page often to see the full gallery of illustrations as they go live.

Welcome to the blog for the Social Science Bites podcast: a series of interviews with leading social scientists. Each episode explores an aspect of our social world. You can access all audio and the transcripts from each interview here. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @socialscibites.

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