Archives for 2020

5 Ways To Make Your Writing Assignments Better
August 13, 2020

5 Ways To Make Your Writing Assignments Better

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Do We Value Unfunded Research Properly?
August 13, 2020

Do We Value Unfunded Research Properly?

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Coronavirus UK – Patrician Policymaking
Public Policy
August 13, 2020

Coronavirus UK – Patrician Policymaking

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Coronavirus UK – Is COVID-19 a Disease?
Public Policy
August 13, 2020

Coronavirus UK – Is COVID-19 a Disease?

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Thinking of Taking an Academic Job in China? Better Plan Carefully

Thinking of Taking an Academic Job in China? Better Plan Carefully

At their heart, Chinese public universities are deeply parochial bureaucratic structures geared towards the party-state’s priorities for socio-economic development. In response to national and international pressures, some universities have recently begun to internationalize, with notably different degrees of enthusiasm. Others have not. You would do well to determine, the author writes, into what category a prospective employer falls.

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Kamala Harris’ Ambition: Free Chapter from ‘Why Don’t Women Rule the World?’

Kamala Harris’ Ambition: Free Chapter from ‘Why Don’t Women Rule the World?’

A free chapter from ‘Why Don’t Women Rule the World? Understanding Women’s Civic and Political Choices’ explores political ambition among women – a key talking point since the selection of Kamala Harris as a vice presidential candidate.

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Let’s Learn From COVID – Universities Should Rethink the Exam

Let’s Learn From COVID – Universities Should Rethink the Exam

As universities start to imagine a post-pandemic future, they are faced with a choice – to simply return to the way things were, or embrace this opportunity to change assessment for good.

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Business and Biodiversity: A View from the Inside

Business and Biodiversity: A View from the Inside

‘Do well by doing good’ is a mantra for management that sounds promising, but is it realistic? In today’s post, Clément Feger, an assistant professor at AgroParisTech and a researcher at Montpellier Recherche en Management at the Université de Montpellier, offers work he did that looks at one company’s efforts to foster sustainability in the environment and the balance sheet, and offers models for others to follow.

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Watch the Webinar: Mobilizing Young Voters Focus of 2020 David Lecture

Watch the Webinar: Mobilizing Young Voters Focus of 2020 David Lecture

Will the recent wave of youth activism in protesting racial injustice translate into higher turnout rates in the 2020 U.S. presidential election? […]

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Coronavirus UK – A Nasty Infection But Let’s Have a Sense of Proportion

Coronavirus UK – A Nasty Infection But Let’s Have a Sense of Proportion

Of course the government should have a Plan B for a second wave. But this might also be a moment to ask where pandemic management is taking us.

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National Academies Taps Social Science Expertise for Policy-Maker Use

National Academies Taps Social Science Expertise for Policy-Maker Use

While hopes for a medical answer to the current COVID-19 remain strong, the reality is that social, behavioral and economic science drives […]

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The Road to Police Reform Runs Through Their Insurers

The Road to Police Reform Runs Through Their Insurers

Rashawn Ray’s research suggests that political stalemates over law enforcement accountability could be resolved by shifting civilian payouts for police misconduct away from taxpayer money to police department liability insurance policies.

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