Archives for 2021

Harnessing the Power of a Mob
January 8, 2021

Harnessing the Power of a Mob

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After the US Capitol Attack, Wondering How the 25th Amendment Works?
January 8, 2021

After the US Capitol Attack, Wondering How the 25th Amendment Works?

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‘Once You Engage in Political Violence, It Becomes Easier to Do It Again’
January 7, 2021

‘Once You Engage in Political Violence, It Becomes Easier to Do It Again’

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APSA Condemns Trump After D.C. Insurrection
January 7, 2021

APSA Condemns Trump After D.C. Insurrection

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Creating Social Value in the Context of Institutional Failure

Creating Social Value in the Context of Institutional Failure

Although reliance on social networks could supplement some of the deficiencies in formal institutions, they are unlikely to entirely supplant the need for contractual governance mechanisms. We thus sought to understand how multi-stakeholder collaborations can create social value in contexts of institutional failure – or “institutional voids” in international business jargon.

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COSSA Offers Social Science Recommendations to New US President

COSSA Offers Social Science Recommendations to New US President

In December, the Consortium of Social Science Associations, an umbrella organization that has served as a united voice in Washington, D.C. for […]

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MoVE Project: Pandemic Opened Door to Greater Volunteer Action

MoVE Project: Pandemic Opened Door to Greater Volunteer Action

Understanding how to create the conditions for a thriving civil society — that works in partnership with local governments and communities to […]

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Gift Giving, Gift Returning – The Unexpected Emotions Behind Receiving an Unwanted Gift

Gift Giving, Gift Returning – The Unexpected Emotions Behind Receiving an Unwanted Gift

Is it possible that the experience of receiving gifts we do not like can take a toll on our mental well-being? Is […]

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Mike Tomasello on Becoming Human

Mike Tomasello on Becoming Human

Psychologist Mike Tomasello details how, while higher primates may be quite like humans in many respects, the ability to work together on projects is not one of them.

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Why Does Social Science Not Bite?

Why Does Social Science Not Bite?

David Canter considers why the social sciences failed to influence behavior in order to stop the spread of COVID-19. The virologists had been preparing for a new virus for some years, so were already ahead of the game when they had to start creating a new vaccine. What preparations had social psychologists, sociologists or anthropologists for the inevitable emergence of a new pandemic?

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What I Have Learned from Social Science

What I Have Learned from Social Science

Ziyad Marar, Sage’s president of global publishing, reflects on how his career and his studies of psychology, linguistics and philosophy leave him thinking a social science imagination benefits us as individuals and improves society more generally, especially in times of upheaval and reconfiguration.

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