Round-up of Social Science Research
The following articles are drawn from SAGE Insight, which spotlights research published in SAGE’s more than 700 journals. The articles linked below are free to read for a limited period.
Mid–Holocene massive and sudden environmental changes triggered large-scale ecological and cultural shifts
From The Holocene
This study conducted a comprehensive synthesis on the effects of a sudden environmental change on the ecological, cultural and demographic landscapes of mid-Holocene hunter-gatherers. .
Special issue: Gangs: Group and intergroup dimensions
From Group Processes & Intergroup Relations
This Special Issue on gangs, plugs this research gap and sets an agenda for theoretical and empirical research on the social psychology of gangs.
Adolescent sexting, psychosocial difficulties, and risk behavior
From The Journal of School Nursing
This paper reviews several studies on adolescent sexting and its health and emotional correlates.
The 2008 economic crisis and its outcomes for the Baltic states
From The Economic and Labour Relations Review
This article analyses the 2008 economic crisis and its outcomes for the Baltic states.
Amusement and contradiction in the contemporary funeral industry
From Critical Sociology
This article focuses on one economic sector in particular, the entity responsible for the disposal of the vast majority of dead in the USA today: the funeral industry.