Author: Sage

Sage, the parent of Social Science Space, is a global academic publisher of books, journals, and library resources with a growing range of technologies to enable discovery, access, and engagement. Believing that research and education are critical in shaping society, 24-year-old Sara Miller McCune founded Sage in 1965. Today, we are controlled by a group of trustees charged with maintaining our independence and mission indefinitely. 

Political Studies Association Archives Free Until End of Month
March 14, 2016

Political Studies Association Archives Free Until End of Month

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Strategic Contracting and Negotiation Journal Seeks Top Paper
January 22, 2016

Strategic Contracting and Negotiation Journal Seeks Top Paper

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Statistical Champion Ken Prewitt Awarded by SAGE-CASBS
October 29, 2015

Statistical Champion Ken Prewitt Awarded by SAGE-CASBS

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Free Article Collection in Honor of World Statistics Day
October 19, 2015

Free Article Collection in Honor of World Statistics Day

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Call for Papers: Exploring Journalism as it Recounts 7/7 London Bombings

Call for Papers: Exploring Journalism as it Recounts 7/7 London Bombings

Authors have until December 1 to submit abstracts for a special issue for Journalism Theory, Practice and Criticism titled, “From aftermath to […]

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Stories and Numbers Should Go Together: Alex Clark on Methods

Stories and Numbers Should Go Together: Alex Clark on Methods

Methods have never been more pragmatic, more eclectic, and more dynamic than they are today, says Alex Clark, the editor of the International Journal of Qualitative Methods.

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Discourse and the Politics of Fear

Discourse and the Politics of Fear

From the margins of the political landscape to its center, Ruth Wodak examines the trajectories of populist right-wing parties in Europe in order to understand and explain how they are transforming from fringe voices to persuasive political actors who set the agenda and frame media debates.

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The Value of Peer Review: A View from Publons

The Value of Peer Review: A View from Publons

Andrew Preston of Publons argues that while the academic community does “a pretty good job of peer reviewing,” the process remains hampered by the 19th century technology used to manage the process.

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Sense About Science On the Value of Peer Review

Sense About Science On the Value of Peer Review

Peer Review Week begins today, a week to explore the role of peer review in addressing academic quality and rigor. Here, Sense About Science details why it feels it’s important to explain peer review to the wider world.

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Why Did the Proton Cross the Road? Humor and Science Communication

Why Did the Proton Cross the Road? Humor and Science Communication

The use of humor in public discourse about science has grown remarkably over the past few years, and when used in science […]

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Q&A: Publons Aims to Enhance Peer Review

Q&A: Publons Aims to Enhance Peer Review

Sage 1186 News

If the mental picture of peer review turned from it being a chore to it being a career-builder, it’s reasonable to think that all of academe might prosper. An interview with a co-founder of Publons, a company which aims to do just that.

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Tell Us What Social Science Will Look Like in 2065

Tell Us What Social Science Will Look Like in 2065

Sage 792 News

The social sciences are often marginalized in society and by government funding, characterized as ‘problematic disciplines’ whose impact is often misunderstood and […]

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