Author: Business & Management INK

Business and Management INK puts the spotlight on research published in our more than 100 management and business journals. We feature an inside view of the research that’s being published in top-tier SAGE journals by the authors themselves.

Future Business Leaders, Ethical Values, and National Economic Freedom:  A View from Business Students in Eight Countries
Business and Management INK
October 29, 2020

Future Business Leaders, Ethical Values, and National Economic Freedom: A View from Business Students in Eight Countries

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Innovating Service Design Meant Adding Value at the End of Life
Business and Management INK
September 17, 2020

Innovating Service Design Meant Adding Value at the End of Life

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Testing-the-Waters Policy With Hypothetical Investment: Evidence From Equity Crowdfunding
September 9, 2020

Testing-the-Waters Policy With Hypothetical Investment: Evidence From Equity Crowdfunding

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Management-by-Generation: Does Your Generation Provide the Answer to How You Should Be Managed?
Business and Management INK
September 3, 2020

Management-by-Generation: Does Your Generation Provide the Answer to How You Should Be Managed?

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Instilling a Higher Sense of Purpose in Business Education

Instilling a Higher Sense of Purpose in Business Education

For all the talk of social consciousness at academic conferences, personal wealth remains the imprimatur of business success par excellence. How then, we asked ourselves, can business schools expect their students to take ethics and social responsibility truly seriously?

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Business and Biodiversity: A View from the Inside

Business and Biodiversity: A View from the Inside

‘Do well by doing good’ is a mantra for management that sounds promising, but is it realistic? In today’s post, Clément Feger, an assistant professor at AgroParisTech and a researcher at Montpellier Recherche en Management at the Université de Montpellier, offers work he did that looks at one company’s efforts to foster sustainability in the environment and the balance sheet, and offers models for others to follow.

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Collective Leadership for Everyone in the Organization?

Collective Leadership for Everyone in the Organization?

Joe Raelin argues that democratic organization can exist and be developed without hierarchical control. There is ample evidence across civilization and time that humans can self-organize without hierarchical structure.

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Changing Perspectives, Changing Views: COVID and Agile Organizations

Changing Perspectives, Changing Views: COVID and Agile Organizations

Chris Worley, professor of organizational theory and management at Pepperdine University’s Graziadio Business School, and Claudy Jules, the head Google’s Center of Expertise on Organizational Health and Change, offer context behind their commentary, “COVID-19’s Uncomfortable Revelations About Agile and Sustainable Organizations in a VUCA World,” in the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science.

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Integrating Newcomers: Studying the Socialization of Skilled Migrants

Integrating Newcomers: Studying the Socialization of Skilled Migrants

Quite often discussions about skilled migrants center on the receiving country’s reaction to the migrants, rather than the experiences of the migrants themselves. In this article from the Journal of Management, Phyllis Tharenou, vice president and executive dean of the College of Business, Government and Law of Flinders University, and Carol T. Kulik, a research professor of human resource management at the University of South Australia Business School, address this absence specifically in the academic management literature.

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Collaboration, Coordination and Cooperation Between Organizations

Collaboration, Coordination and Cooperation Between Organizations

The terms “collaboration,” “coordination” and “cooperation,” write Xavier Castañer and Nuno Oliveira in a recent paper published by the Journal of Management, underpin both the organizations they describe and the study of those organizations, and yet the terms themselves are inconsistently defined and therefore their use can be imprecise or even downright confusing.

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What’s Your Exit Strategy?

What’s Your Exit Strategy?

Innovation systems that focus solely on exiting and generating investor profits are not designed to help nurture the best innovations for society.

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Infectious Diseases and Long-Run Innovation Consequences

Infectious Diseases and Long-Run Innovation Consequences

Today we welcome two scholars from Texas’s Baylor University whose research into how pathogens affect innovation has taken on new prominence in the wake of the current pandemic.

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