Author: Business & Management INK

Business and Management INK puts the spotlight on research published in our more than 100 management and business journals. We feature an inside view of the research that’s being published in top-tier SAGE journals by the authors themselves.

How Coca-Cola Uses Social Media to Promote Corporate Social Initiatives
Business and Management INK
May 23, 2016

How Coca-Cola Uses Social Media to Promote Corporate Social Initiatives

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Do New Sports Facilities Prompt New Business in Local Communities?
Business and Management INK
May 19, 2016

Do New Sports Facilities Prompt New Business in Local Communities?

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Understanding Vocational Education in Industrialized Countries
Business and Management INK
May 18, 2016

Understanding Vocational Education in Industrialized Countries

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How Fortune 500 Companies Maximize Web Presence
Business and Management INK
May 17, 2016

How Fortune 500 Companies Maximize Web Presence

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How Does Difficulty of Recruitment Impact Discrimination Against Applicants?

How Does Difficulty of Recruitment Impact Discrimination Against Applicants?

[We’re pleased to welcome Stijn Baert of Ghent University. Stijn published an article in ILR Review entitled “Is There Less Discrimination in […]

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Book Review: The Evolution of a New Industry: A Genealogical Approach

Book Review: The Evolution of a New Industry: A Genealogical Approach

Israel Drori, Shmuel Ellis, Zur Shapira : The Evolution of a New Industry: A Genealogical Approach. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2013. […]

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Book Review: Womentrepreneurs: Inspiring Stories of Success

Book Review: Womentrepreneurs: Inspiring Stories of Success

The Hindu Business Line recently published a book review by Aarati Krishnan for the book Womentrepreneurs: Inspiring Stories of Success by author Avinash […]

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Explaining the Recent Decline of Retirement Plans

Explaining the Recent Decline of Retirement Plans

[We’re pleased to welcome Teresa Ghilarducci of The New School for Social Research. Teresa published an article in ILR Review, entitled “Explaining […]

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Defining and Exploring Boundary Conditions

Defining and Exploring Boundary Conditions

While it is easy to agree that boundary conditions are an important part of theory development and research, it is not as […]

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Read the New Issue of Administrative Science Quarterly!

Read the New Issue of Administrative Science Quarterly!

The June 2016 issue of Administrative Science Quarterly is now available online and can be accessed free for the next 30 days. […]

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Labor Economics and May Day throughout the Year

Labor Economics and May Day throughout the Year

As in recent years, work and economic issues have been on the minds of citizens worldwide – and not just on May […]

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Indian Entrepreneurship and Its Varied Manifestations: A Historical Perspective

Indian Entrepreneurship and Its Varied Manifestations: A Historical Perspective

Stories have always captured the imagination of man. Be it timeless epics, like the Mahabharata and Ramayana, or more recent books, like […]

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