Author: Steffen Böhm and Aanka Batta

Steffen Böhm is director of the Essex Sustainability Institute and professor in management and sustainability at the University of Essex. He is also an honorary professor at the University of St Andrews. He holds a PhD from the University of Warwick. His research focuses on political economies and ecologies of organization, management and the environment. He has a particular research interest in the role of business in society as well as grassroots organization models for sustainability. He was a co-founder of the open-access journal ephemera: theory & politics in organization, and is co-founder and co-editor of the new open-access publishing press MayFlyBooks. Aanka Batta is a lecturer in marketing at University of Essex. Her research interests include sociology, psycho social studies, critical marketing, psychoanalysis, organization theory, cultural studies, marketing, media studies and consumer behavior.

The Social Science of Climate Change Believers’ Denial
International Debate
December 9, 2014

The Social Science of Climate Change Believers’ Denial

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