Author: Caitlin Burgdorf, Wen-Ying Chou, Anna Gaysynsky and Christine Hunter

Caitlin Burgdorf Ph.D (pictured) is an American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS) Science and Technology Fellow. She received her Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Weill Cornell examining the neurobiology of addiction and mental health disorders. During her Ph.D., Caitlin also worked with the New York Academy of Medicine on community health projects that evaluated government-funded health programs through community surveys and focus groups. Prior to joining OBSSR, Caitlin coordinated and led digital health advocacy groups within industry. Wen-Ying Sylvia Chou, Ph.D., M.P.H., is a Program Director in the Health Communication and Informatics Research Branch (HCIRB) of the Behavioral Research Program (BRP) at NCI. Her research interests include social media and health, health literacy, patient-provider communication for patients diagnosed with advanced cancer, and mixed methods research. Trained as a sociolinguist, she has expertise in qualitative analyses of health care interactions. She has led a number of NIH initiatives on the role of technology and social media in various areas of health, including funding initiatives on the impact of the changing communication landscape on substance use and addiction as well as cancer prevention and control. Dr. Chou has more than 50 scientific publications, many of which have documented health-related internet use, the impact of social media use, and the utility of qualitative and mixed methods approaches to clinical communication about cancer prognosis and goals of care. Anna Gaysynsky, M.P.H., is a Marketing Communications Analyst at ICF International. In this role, she provides support to the Health Communication and Informatics Research Branch (HCIRB) in the Behavioral Research Program (BRP) at the National Cancer Institute (NCI). She helps coordinate NCI's Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS), which collects data about the public's knowledge of, attitudes toward, and use of health information. She also provides general programmatic support to the branch by conducting portfolio analyses, organizing meetings and other events, and assisting with various research projects. Dr. Christine Hunter is the Deputy Director for the Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) at the National Institutes of Health. In that role, she supports the OBSSR mission to enhance the impact of health-related behavioral and social sciences research, coordinate and integrate these sciences within the larger NIH research enterprise, and communicate health-related behavioral and social sciences research findings.

Controlling the COVID-19 Pandemic Hinges on Behavior
January 26, 2021

Controlling the COVID-19 Pandemic Hinges on Behavior

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