Author: Consortium of Social Science Associations

The Consortium of Social Science Associations (COSSA) is an advocacy organization that promotes attention to and U.S. government funding for the social and behavioral sciences. It serves as a bridge between the academic research community and the Washington policy-making community. Its members consist of more than 100 professional associations, scientific societies, universities, and research centers and institutes.

Share Your Social Science Story
June 12, 2019

Share Your Social Science Story

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COSSA Looks at the President’s Science Budget in Depth
Academic Funding
March 6, 2018

COSSA Looks at the President’s Science Budget in Depth

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UNC, Michigan Once Again Tops in Federal R&D on Social Science
Academic Funding
January 4, 2018

UNC, Michigan Once Again Tops in Federal R&D on Social Science

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UNC Chapel Hill Tops for Federal Social Science Funding
Academic Funding
December 13, 2016

UNC Chapel Hill Tops for Federal Social Science Funding

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Latest COMPETES Bill Heads to House Floor

Latest COMPETES Bill Heads to House Floor

A bill which essentially halves National Science Foundation spending on the social sciences passed its first legislative test Wednesday on a party-line vote.

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COSSA Statement on the House America COMPETES  Reauthorization Act of 2015 (H.R.  1806)

COSSA Statement on the House America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2015 (H.R. 1806)

Ed. – The Consortium of Social Science Associations released the following statement in response to the draft House Resolution 1806, the America […]

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Culberson Cites Taxpayer Perceptions in Looking at NSF Spending

Culberson Cites Taxpayer Perceptions in Looking at NSF Spending

The head of the House subcommittee that oversees the budget of federal science agencies cites fears that ordinary people may not appreciate the subtleties of social science.

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Washington Update: SBE Vacancies, No Clarity From Midterms

Washington Update: SBE Vacancies, No Clarity From Midterms

NSF’s SBE Directorate Seeks to Fill Numerous Leadership Posts  The Directorate of Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences of the National Science Foundation […]

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