Author: Daniel Nehring

My career so far has taken me to a fairly wide range of places, and this has allowed me to experience a wide range of approaches to sociology and social science. In my blog, I reflect on this diversity and its implications for the future of the discipline. Over the last few years, I have also become interested in exploring the contours of academic life under neoliberal hegemony. Far-reaching transformations are taking place at universities around the world, in terms of organisational structures, patterns of authority, and forms of intellectual activity. With my posts, I hope to draw attention to some of these transformations.

Tinkering With Symptoms: Why Britain’s Debate About Vice Chancellors’ Salaries Is Misguided
Higher Education Reform
December 13, 2017

Tinkering With Symptoms: Why Britain’s Debate About Vice Chancellors’ Salaries Is Misguided

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Brexit McCarthyism, Universities PLC and the Erosion of Academic Freedom in the UK
November 6, 2017

Brexit McCarthyism, Universities PLC and the Erosion of Academic Freedom in the UK

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Scholars or Cash Cows? What Role Will Foreign Students Play in Post-Brexit Britain?
Higher Education Reform
September 18, 2017

Scholars or Cash Cows? What Role Will Foreign Students Play in Post-Brexit Britain?

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Anti-Intellectualism and the Rise of the British Right
Higher Education Reform
August 23, 2017

Anti-Intellectualism and the Rise of the British Right

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What Do the 2017 Elections Mean for British Academia?

What Do the 2017 Elections Mean for British Academia?

Britain’s recent general election has been the first step towards a long-overdue public debate on the social consequences of austerity and growing socio-economic inequality. What does this sea change mean for British academia?

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British Sociology and the Conservative Backlash: A Sociology of Sociology More Necessary than Ever

British Sociology and the Conservative Backlash: A Sociology of Sociology More Necessary than Ever

In academic institutions that value hierarchies and compliance and seek to understand scholarship in terms of its economic value, argues our Daniel Nehring, there is little space for a discipline that aims to critically interrogate the intersections of structure and agency and the social production of inequalities.

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Not What It Used to Be: Academic Capitalism and Sociological Futures in the UK

Not What It Used to Be: Academic Capitalism and Sociological Futures in the UK

Sociology today, argues our Daniek Nehring, is defined by a fundamental contradiction between its everyday labor practices and its imaginary ethos.

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How Will Brexit Britain Re-invent Itself?

How Will Brexit Britain Re-invent Itself?

In the wake of the Brexit vote, our Daniel Nehring insists, academia’s arguments in favor of an open society have remained surprisingly weak.

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In Post-Brexit Britain, is Migration a Crime?

In Post-Brexit Britain, is Migration a Crime?

With the increasing indications that Britain is growing colder to migrants in the wake of Brexit, Daniel Nehring asks what that means specifically for academics from the European Union in the UK.

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The Never-Ending Audit®: Questioning the Lecturer Experience

The Never-Ending Audit®: Questioning the Lecturer Experience

The never-ending audit makes a crucial point about the ways in which power structures have shifted within universities, argues our Daniel Nehring. In effect, it suggests the death of the ideal of the autonomous scholar-researcher-teacher.

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The Sociology of Brexit

The Sociology of Brexit

Public conversations about Britain’s EU membership could have involved wide-ranging discussions of British and European politics, economics and society, argues our Daniel Nehring. They did not. Instead, they were dominated by oversimplifications, stereotypes and lies.

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Migrants Ate My Guinea Pig

Migrants Ate My Guinea Pig

German-born Daniel Nehring insists that the upcoming Brexit vote is founded less on reason and more on xenophobia, and argues that the toxic atmosphere surrounding the vote is already doing harm to Britain’s fabled academic enterprise.

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