Author: Catherine Demangeot, Cristina Galalae, Eva Kipnis

Catherine Demangeot (pictured) is Associate Professor in Marketing. She is interested in studying multicultural marketplaces as spatial entities that host emerging dynamics between the consumers, brands and marketers of multiple cultures. Cristina Galalae is an interpretative consumer researcher on a quest to expand knowledge on multicultural and interconnected marketplaces and understand their role in fostering societal engagement and well-being. She is interested in exploring cultural diversity within and across nations. Eva Kipnis focuses on international and cross-cultural marketing and its role in promoting intercultural and international engagement for inclusion and wellbeing in the marketplace. She over 10 years (1995-2007) of experience working in Kazakhstan as a marketing practitioner with local and international businesses such as Mittal Steel.

Consumption as Intercultural Communication and Interaction
February 23, 2021

Consumption as Intercultural Communication and Interaction

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