Author: Edie Goldenberg

Edie N. Goldenberg is a professor of political science and public policy. She served as dean of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts from 1989-98 and is the founding director of the Michigan in Washington Program. Her research interests include voting turnout of college students, and in 2017 she founded a Michigan group called Turn Up Turnout. Her most recent book is Off-Track Profs: Nontenured Teachers in Higher Education (MIT Press 2009), co-authored with John Cross. She is also the author of Making the Papers: The Access of Resource Poor Groups to the Metropolitan Papers and co-author of Campaigning for Congress.

What Research Says About Voting by Mail (Spoiler: It’s Safe)
October 1, 2020

What Research Says About Voting by Mail (Spoiler: It’s Safe)

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