Author: Kerry Fanson, Therésa Jones, Matthew Symonds and Megan Higgie

Kerry Fanson is a research fellow in the Centre for Integrative Ecology at Deakin University, Australia. She studies physiological ecology, with a particular focus on stress and reproduction. She is also the secretary of the Australasian Evolution Society. Therésa Jones is a senior lecturer in behavioural ecology at the University of Melbourne. She uses invertebrates as model species and her current research program is looking at the impact of urban night lighting for the behaviour and physiology. Matthew Symonds is a lecturer in Ecology at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. He is also president of the Australasian Evolution Society, whose conference was the basis for the study discussed here. Megan Higgie is an evolutionary biologist who researches how animals adapt, with a particular interest in how natural and sexual selection can lead to the formation of new species. She is a lecturer at James Cook University in Australia, and currently holds an Australian Research Council Fellowship. How scientists of different genders make decisions in academia is a recent area of research interest.

Women’s Own Behavior Boosts Gender Disparity in Academia
December 3, 2014

Women’s Own Behavior Boosts Gender Disparity in Academia

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