Author: Frank Donnelly

Frank Donnelly is a geospatial information professional whose practice blends the service-based and organizational skills of an academic librarian with the subject knowledge and analytical methods of a researcher. He has served as the Geospatial Data Librarian at Baruch College, CUNY, in midtown Manhattan since 2007, where he helps members of his university navigate geospatial and census data sources. He holds the rank of associate professor in the library and manages a GIS lab, where he and his graduate students provide research consultations, teach workshops, process and create data, and maintain a repository of GIS data. Prior to becoming a librarian, he worked as a planner and data analyst in the government and nonprofit sectors. He holds master’s degrees in library and information science from the University of Washington and in geography from the University of Toronto. You can follow him at his blog At These Coordinates:

Research and the Census: Exploring the Labor Force
February 3, 2020

Research and the Census: Exploring the Labor Force

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What is Census Data?
January 27, 2020

What is Census Data?

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Lying With Maps and Census Data
January 15, 2020

Lying With Maps and Census Data

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