Author: Janet Salmons

Janet Salmons is an independent researcher, writer and consultant through her company,Vision2Lead and is the resident methods guru at the website MethodSpace. In addition to her latest book and numerous articles and book chapters, she has written Doing Qualitative Research Online, Qualitative Online Interviews, Online Interviews in Real Time (2010), and edited the Cases in Online Interview Research (2012) for SAGE Publishing.

Watch the Webinar: How Academic Writing Coaches Get Unstuck
November 3, 2022

Watch the Webinar: How Academic Writing Coaches Get Unstuck

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Webinar: Research in Global Crisis
September 14, 2022

Webinar: Research in Global Crisis

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UK Study of Diversity and Inclusion in Social Research Finds We Have ‘Far to Go’
July 16, 2021

UK Study of Diversity and Inclusion in Social Research Finds We Have ‘Far to Go’

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Self and Social: An Interview About Autoethnography
June 19, 2020

Self and Social: An Interview About Autoethnography

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Active Online Learning

Active Online Learning

I was an early adopter for online teaching and learning. My experience teaching, developing courses, and consulting about e-learning morphed into an […]

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Making a Sudden Transition to Teaching Online:  Suggestions and Resources

Making a Sudden Transition to Teaching Online: Suggestions and Resources

Editor’s Note: As a means of supporting those attempting to do their best under trying circumstances, SAGE Publishing has drawn from its […]

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Researchers in the Gig Economy: A Talk with Virginia Yonkers

Researchers in the Gig Economy: A Talk with Virginia Yonkers

The gig economy is characterized by contract, freelance, or short-term work engagements with employers who do not provide benefits beyond the immediate payment. This type of transactional employment is becoming more common in academia. What does this mean for research?

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Graphical & Video Abstracts: An Interview with Tullio Rossi

Graphical & Video Abstracts: An Interview with Tullio Rossi

It goes without saying that research has greater impact when more people have access to it. In a distracted, multilingual world we often struggle to get important research findings into the hands of those who can use what we’ve learned. As Dr. Tullio Rossi of Animate Your Science points out, visuals help us reach across disciplines.

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What Can We do About Scientific Misconduct?

What Can We do About Scientific Misconduct?

In a world of alternative facts we should be able to turn to scientific research for reliably trust-worthy perspectives, yet even peer- reviewed journal articles can contain incorrect or misleading findings. New journal article is now up for open Access, which puts up some recommendations.

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Research for Social Good Means Addressing Scientific Misconduct

Research for Social Good Means Addressing Scientific Misconduct

Social Science Space’s sister site, Methods Space, explored the broad topic of Social Good this past October, with guest Interviewee Dr. Benson Hong. Here Janet Salmons and him talk about the Academy of Management Perspectives journal article.

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Share Your Research on a Blog

Share Your Research on a Blog

How can researchers provide information about their studies in ways that would be useful and interesting to prospective and current research participants? With that question in my mind, MethodSpace’s Janet Salmons began to explore the potential for blogs to recruit and inform participants. As with almost any online exploration, she discovered a much broader potential for blogs in the academic world.

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Research > Publication > Impact (You Might Need a Strategy for That)

Research > Publication > Impact (You Might Need a Strategy for That)

A publication strategy should include carefully-defined goals, a purposeful timeline, and actionable steps for proposing and writing the kinds of pieces large or small that allow others to access what we’ve learned, produce impact, and propel our careers forward.

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