Author: John Dovidio, Elif Ikizer, Jonas Kunst, and Aharon Levy

John Dovidio is Carl I. Hovland Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Professor Emeritus in the Institute for Social and Policy Studies and of Epidemiology at Yale University. Elif Ikizer (pictured) is Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. Previous to my current academic position, I was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Yale University, Department of Psychology. I received my Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the University of Connecticut. Jonas Kunst is professor in Culture and Community Psychology at University of Oslo. Aharon Levy is a postdoctoral associate at Yale University.

Common Identity, Humanity, and COVID-19: Excerpt from ‘Together Apart’
August 27, 2020

Common Identity, Humanity, and COVID-19: Excerpt from ‘Together Apart’

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