Author: S. Karly Kehoe and Evren Altinkas

S. Karly Kehoe is associate professor and Canada research chair in Atlantic Canada communities at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax. She co-founded three major initiatives designed to support the integration of displaced academic colleagues: the At-Risk and Refugee Membership program (Young Academy of Scotland); the At-Risk Scholar Initiative (Global Young Academy); and the At-Risk and Displaced Academics and Artists program (Royal Society of Canada's College of New Scholars Artists and Scientists). Kehoe is also a member the Science in Exile Steering Committee ( Evren Altinkas is an assistant professor in the Department of History at the University of Guelph.

What May Await Ukrainian Academics? Expect Exile, Harassment and Censorship
International Debate
March 8, 2022

What May Await Ukrainian Academics? Expect Exile, Harassment and Censorship

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