Author: Kevin Fosnacht and Shannon M. Calderone

Kevin Fosnacht (pictured) studies policies and practices that promote college student success. His work has examined topics ranging from living-learning communities to time use patterns to grit. He is currently studying how students' living arrangements influence their engagement in effective educational activities and persistence. His work has appeared in outlets such as the Journal of Higher Education, Research in Higher Education, and the Review of Higher Education. Shannon Calderone is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Sport Studies, and Counseling/Educational Psychology (ELSSCEP) at the Tri-Cities campus of Washington State University. Her research work centers around K-16 educational equity and access. To this end, Shannon has examined the roles of financial literacy, risk, and social trust on access to and participation in postsecondary education. Her most recent line of inquiry explores the intersections between risk and school leadership practice and gives particular attention to the corrosive effect of risk on social justice-oriented school-based priorities. Shannon Calderone’s work has appeared in American Behavioral Scientist, Educational Theory, and Teaching in Higher Education among other outlets.

Study: Black Students’ Trust in Their Colleges is Lower
March 22, 2021

Study: Black Students’ Trust in Their Colleges is Lower

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