Author: Leanne K. Knobloch and Steven R. Wilson

Leanne K. Knobloch (pictured) is a professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Illinois and a member of the Science Advisory Board of the Military Child Education Coalition. Her research examines how people communicate during times of transition, with a particular focus on how military families navigate the cycle of deployment and reunion. Steven R. Wilson is a professor in the Department of Communication at the University of South Florida and an affiliated scientist with the Military Family Research Institute at Purdue University. His research focuses on difficult conversations including how military youth manage tensions between privacy and openness when communicating with their deployed and at-home parents, and how military spouses and parents manage dilemmas while encouraging service members or veterans to seek behavioral healthcare.

Why Social Science? Because It Can Improve the Lives of Those Who Serve Our Country
November 11, 2019

Why Social Science? Because It Can Improve the Lives of Those Who Serve Our Country

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