Author: Luciana Balboa, Elizabeth Gadd, Eva Mendez, Janne Pölönen, Karen Stroobants, Erzsebet Toth Cithra and the CoARA Steering Board

Luciana Balboa (pictured) is a biomedical researcher in the area of infectious diseases at the Institute for Biomedical Research on Retroviruses and AIDS (INBIRS), affiliated with the University of Buenos Aires – CONICET in Argentina. She is a member of the CoARA Steering Board. Elizabeth (Lizzie) Gadd chairs the INORMS Research Evaluation Group and is vice chair of the Coalition on Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA). In 2022, she co-authored 'Harnessing the Metric Tide: Indicators, Infrastructures and Priorities for UK Research Assessment'. She is the head of Research Culture and Assessment at Loughborough University, UK and champions the ARMA Research Evaluation SIG. She previously founded the LIS-Bibliometrics Forum and The Bibliomagician Blog and was the recipient of the 2020 INORMS Award for Excellence in Research Management and Leadership. Eva Méndez is deputy vice-president for research policy and open science, and professor at the library and information science at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. She is also a member of the CoARA Steering Board. Janne Pölönen is secretary general for publication forum at the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies. Lic.Phil. in history, his recent work is in the fields of research assessment, scholarly communication, open science and learned societies. Pölönen advocates the Helsinki Initiative on Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication and coordinates a CoARA Working-Group on Multilingualism and Language Biases in Research Assessment. He also is member of the CoARA Steering Board. Karen Stroobants is a postdoctoral researcher in the Centre for Misfolding Diseases at the University of Cambridge and vice president of CoARA. Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra is the program manager of CoARA.

Research Assessment, Scientometrics, and Qualitative v. Quantitative Measures
September 23, 2024

Research Assessment, Scientometrics, and Qualitative v. Quantitative Measures

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