Author: Laura Meagher and David Edwards

Laura Meagher (pictured) is the senior partner in the Technology Development Group, an honorary fellow at the University of Edinburgh and at the James Hutton Institute and an associate at the Research Unit for Research Utilisation at the University of St Andrews. She has spent over 30 years working in the US and the UK with and within research and education institutions, along with industry and government, focussing on facilitation and evaluation of strategic change. David Edwards is an environmental social scientist with 25 years' experience in UK, Europe, Africa and South Asia. He is a member of the senior management team at Forest Research, the research agency of the Forestry Commission, where he is head of the Centre for Ecosystems, Society and Biosecurity.

Here Are the Blocks You Need to Tell Your Impact Story
September 22, 2020

Here Are the Blocks You Need to Tell Your Impact Story

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