Author: Diana Mitlin, Jhono Bennett, Philipp Horn, Sophie King, Jack Makau and George Masimba Nyama

Diana Mitlin (pictured) is professor of global urbanism in the Global Development Institute at the University of Manchester. Jhono Bennett is a socio-technical architectural urbanist based in Johannesburg, and co-director of the social enterprise 1to1. Philipp Horn is a lecturer in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at the University of Sheffield. Sophie King is a research fellow for the Realising Just Cities program at the Urban Institute, University of Sheffield. Jack Makau is director of Slum Dwellers International in Kenya. George Masimba Nyama is programme coordinator at Dialogue on Shelter in Zimbabwe.

Bridging the Divide Between Academics and Movements
February 6, 2020

Bridging the Divide Between Academics and Movements

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